Who we are
HCOV GLOBAL operates as a partnership between the independent business entities of the four principal Partners and other Associates as required. We offer shared services and products where possible, yet can operate independently if necessary. Service contracts can be drawn up with any one of the Partners, or with any combination of them.
The thread that joins us is a common conviction that exploration solutions should flow from a thorough understanding of the observed structure. That is, interpretations should be solidly based on field data, and not be over-reliant on theoretical models. Where exploration risk requires application of theory then that theory should be as solidly bound in observation as possible.

Rod Holcombe, PhD, FGSA, MAIG
has 50 years of structural analysis and 3D modelling experience in orogenic systems as both a teaching/research academic and a consultant to the minerals exploration industry. He is a specialist in the structural analysis of complex metamorphic terranes and shear zones with experience in Precambrian and Phanerozoic terranes in Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Peru, Thailand, Laos, East and West Africa, the Balkans, sub-Caucasus, Finland, Siberia and Russian Far East. Rod now largely concentrates on providing structural training, writing texts [https://www.holcombe.net.au/book/], and developing software [https://www.holcombe.net.au/software/] and other products for use by structural and exploration geologists
Rod trades under the name of HCOV Global
ABN: 29863107460
PO address: Box 1618, Mudgeeraba, Qld, 4213, Australia
Ph +61 (0)402 859 610

Tim Coughlin, MSc, PhD
Tim is a structural geologist with particular experience in frontier target generation and risk analysis in emerging and developing countries.Tim has some 25 years of applied research and both mineral and petroleum exploration experience. He has worked on target-generation and deposit-scale problems in the central and northern Andes, the western Tethyan of the Balkans and Caucasus regions, the Papuan fold belt, northern China, Siberia and the Russian Far East, and eastern Australia. Tim has consulted to a wide range of resource industry clients, has held senior staff positions with well-known medium and large-scale companies, and has successfully guided an international exploration company ( Lydian International) from start-up to development.
Tim trades under the name Holcombe Coughlin Oliver & Associates EuropeSuite 30, 4 Wharf Street, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 3NRPh +44 1534 715 477

Nick Oliver, PhD, FGSA, MAIG
Nick is a structural and hydrothermal systems geologist, particularly in complex environments. Experience includes IOCG, U and Mo (Mount Isa-Cloncurry region), sediment and volcanic-hosted base metals (Australia, Scandinavia), greenstone-, BIF- and black slate-hosted vein gold deposits (Western Australia, Brazil, Siberia, Tanzania), giant iron ores (Pilbara, Transvaal), and epithermal/porphyry Au and Cu-Au vein and breccia systems (New Zealand, Colombia, Philippines, Turkey). Nick provides practical approaches to deal with complex alteration systems, restructuring of geochemical datasets and strategies, and identification of fluid pathways in deformed rocks, for improved ore deposit and exploration models. He has 25 years experience in industry contract and collaborative research and focussed short course training with juniors to majors, including 13 years as the Professor of Economic Geology and Director of the Economic Geology Research Unit at James Cook University
Nick trades under the name HCO Associates Pty Ltd
ABN:52 154 666 707
PO Box 3533, Hermit Park, Qld 4812, Australia
Ph +61 417764880

Rick Valenta, PhD, FAusimm, P. Geo, MAICD
Rick Valenta is a structural and economic geologist with over 30 years experience in mineral exploration research, consultancy and management. He has played a key role in numerous successful exploration programs with a range in focus including regional project generation, opportunity review and sourcing, regional and local 3D modelling of mineralised systems, and advanced exploration of known prospects, working with a range of major and junior companies. He is a specialist in high quality structural interpretation of geophysical datasets, and has taught short courses on the subject to a large number of industry, government and university clients. He has a strong background in a wide range of gold, copper, base metal, uranium and tin/tungsten deposit styles, and has worked extensively in Australia, Latin America, North America, Africa and Asia. He has held senior management and technical positions in a number of ASX and TSX junior companies who have successfully created significant value for their shareholders through sale of the company or individual projects.
Rick currently trades under the name Proton Geoscience Pty LtdABN 12 125 500 39844 Kingsley Pde, Yeronga Qld 4104
Ph +61 (0)448 110 765